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Tentative Schedule of Events
Please click on each Day/Date below to expand activities
- 12:00pm – 5:00pm --- Registration Desk Open, Hallway (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 12:00pm – 6:00pm --- Hydration of show entries, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 12:00pm – 6:00pm --- Show Hall open for setup, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 6:00pm -- 8:00pm --- Welcome Reception, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:00am – 12:00pm --- Registration Desk Open, Hallway (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:00am – 12 noon --- Hospitality Room, Bodine Hall - Kitchen (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:00am --- Workroom open for Lily Show (Stem prep, designs and photo drop off in prep area), Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:00am - 9:00pm --- Show Hall open for exhibits, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 9:00am – 11:30pm --- NALS Directors and Committee Chair Meeting, Activity Room 2A (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 12:00pm --- Room open for complimentary lunch before 'Lunch and Learn' presentation, Activity Room 2A & B (Mary Winspear Centre).
- 12:15pm - 1:15pm --- ‘Lunch and Learn’ with Dr. Ieuan Evans, "Lily Killers Galore", Activity Room 2A & B (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 1:30pm --- Judith Freeman, “Color Patterns in Lilies: Pigments, Environment, Genes, and Chromosomes”, Activity Room 2A & B (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 2:45pm --- Dr. Brian Bergman, “Quirks and Quarks – My Journey with Lily Hybridizing”, Activity Room 2A & B (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 4:00am – 6:00pm --- Registration Desk Open, Hallway (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 5:00pm --- Leave for evening tour of The Butchart Gardens
- Lily Design & Stem preparations until 9:00pm (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:00am – 9:00am --- Registration Desk Open, Hallway (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:00am – 12 noon --- Hospitality Room, Bodine Hall - Kitchen (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:00am – 9:00am --- Workroom Open for Lily Show Staging, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:00am - 9:00am --- Show Hall open for exhibits, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:30am --- Judges and Clerks Meeting, Activity Room 3 (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 9:00am --- Show Room CLOSED for Judging
- 9:30am - 12 noon --- Show Judging, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 12 noon --- Post-Judging Lunch for those pre-registered for this event, Activity Room 3 (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 1:00pm – 5:00pm --- Lily Show Open to the Public, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 1:30pm --- Rick Rodich, "Species for the North”, Activity Room 3 (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 2:45pm --- Steve Willson, "A Singular Journey Growing and Hybridizing Western North American Species", Activity Room 3 (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 4:00pm --- NALS Membership Mtg #1, Activity Room 2A & B (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 6:30pm --- Cash Bar before Dinner, SHOAL Community Centre
- 7:00pm - 9:30pm --- NALS Auction Dinner, SHOAL Community Centre
- 8:00am – 5:00pm --- Lily Show Open to the Public, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:00am – 12 noon --- Hospitality Room, Bodine Hall - Kitchen (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:00am --- Buses leave for Garden Tours (Box lunch)
- 9:00am --- 3:00pm - Plant Sale by local vendors (NOTE: PHYTOCERTIFICATES - required for international transport of plants - WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE AT THIS SALE)
- 1:30pm --- Dr. Colin Tamboline, "Species for the North”, Activity Room 3 (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 2:45pm --- Speaker 2 presentation, Activity Room 3 (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 3:45pm --- Buses return to hotel
- 4:00pm --- Photography Voting Closes
- 4:00pm --- NALS Membership Mtg #2, Activity Room 3 (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 4:30pm --- Species Lily Preservation Meeting, Activity Room 3 (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 6:30pm --- Cash Bar before Dinner, SHOAL Community Centre
- 7:00pm --- Awards Dinner & Awards Ceremony, SHOAL Community Centre
- --- Our after dinner speaker will be Wilbert Ronald, he will speak about "A 50 year Passion for Lilies".
- 10:00pm --- NALS Directors Meeting after Dinner, SHOAL Community Centre
- 8:00am --- Lily Show Open to the Public, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 8:00am – 12 noon --- Hospitality Room, Bodine Hall - Kitchen (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 9:00am - 12:00pm --- Additional local gardens open for individual or small group visits (arrange own transportation)
- 3:00pm --- Show Closes, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 3:00pm --- Pollen Swap, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 3:15pm --- Exhibitors remove their entries from the Showroom, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
- 3:15pm --- Sale of Lily stems to the Public.
- 3:15pm – 5:00pm --- Dismantle Show, Bodine Hall (Mary Winspear Centre)
For a complete list of Scheduled Events,
please click on this Schedule of Events (PDF) link.