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Dr. Brian Bergman
Dr. Brian Bergman of Toronto, Ontario, has grown and hybridized lilies for 30 years. He is an active member of the Ontario Regional Lily Society in a number of capacities, including past president. Dr. Bergman’s passion is hybridizing lilies for gardens. His growing and hybridizing field, Lilycrest Gardens, is located in St. Catharines, in the heart of Niagara Wine country.
His growing field has 150 varieties of lilies with a total of 10,000 plants. Many are his own hybrids. He has been growing lilies since 1988 and started exhibiting at the Ontario Regional Lily Society (ORLS) shows. With the support of the active hybridizing communities in the local and national societies, he began to hybridize to create lilies for gardens and over time has developed more than a thousand varieties. Some of his lily hybrids are commercially available for garden growers.
Dr. Bergman’s lilies have won numerous awards at the ORLS and North American Lily Society (NALS) Shows. In 2019 one of his hybrids "Designer Series", which was grown by Roy Christoph, received the highest bud count award (over 30 buds) at the NALS Show. This demonstrates the success of his hybridizing program. He has also been awarded the Isabella Preston (Best-in-Show) award 3 times at past NALS National Shows. With the exception of ‘Best Species’, ‘Best Martagon’ and the stem with the highest bud count, he has been awarded every major award at a NALS National Show. He was awarded the NALS Hornback Award in 2006 and 2011 for hybridizing and growing the lily with the greatest advancement in hybridizing. His hybrid lily “Peaches on Chocolate“ made the NALS Popularity Poll in 2021.
Dr. Bergman joined the North American Lily Society (NALS) in 1994 and became a Judge during 1999 – 2000. He became a NALS Judges Instructor in 2009 and has participated in 5 NALS Judging Schools as that role.
In his presentation Dr. Bergman will talk about "Quirks and Quarks – My Journey with Lily Hybridizing".