NALS 2025 Logo

North American Lily Society
75th Annual International Lily Show & Symposium

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Lilium pardalinum


Registration Deadline: June 20, 2025

Registration Fee:
$125 USD if postmarked by June 20, or $150 USD thereafter.

Guest Registration Fee:
$25 USD if postmarked by June 20, or $30 USD thereafter.

Your registration fee includes:
Welcome Reception complimentary for Registrants
Complimentary Lunch included with Lunch & Learn educational session
Neck Wallet and Registrant Bag
Access to Registrant-Only Educational Sessions
Participation in the Auction and Awards Banquets

Optional Tours available at additional costs:

  • Thursday, July 10, Tour of The Butchart Gardens and bus transportation. (Open to first 56 registrants.)
    - $48 USD received by June 20 or $58 USD thereafter

    **Evening meal options are available in Sidney before The Butchart Gardens tour and on a limited basis at The Butchart Gardens.**
  • Saturday, July 12, All-Day Garden Bus Tour, includes transportation and lunch, (Open to first 56 registrants.)
    - $65 USD received by June 20 or $78 USD thereafter

Optional Meals available at additional costs:

  • Friday, July 11, Judges and Clerks Luncheon,
    - $20 USD received by June 20 or $24 USD thereafter
  • Friday, July 11, NALS Auction Banquet
    - $68 USD received by June 20 or $82 thereafter
  • Saturday, July 12, Awards Banquet
    - $68 USD received by June 20 or $82 thereafter

Dietary Needs:
The Convention Registration Form requests your dietary needs, preferences, and special dietary restrictions.

Please click the Registration Form button
to submit your online registration for the
75th Annual International Lily Show & Symposium.

Registration Form


Please download this PDF Registration Form and send your funds, with completed form to: NALS2025, Stephanie Sims, Executive Secretary,
P.O. Box W, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805.

Please make checks (US Dollars only) payable to "NALS",
note that it is 'For 2025 NALS Conference'.

We are unable to accept Canadian checks at this time.
Please pay by PayPal or with cashiers check in US funds.

Registration Policies:

Communicable Disease policy for the 75th Annual International Lily Show & Symposium: It is the responsibility of the person attending this conference to protect themselves and others from the spread of communicable disease. While masks are not required, we will have them available for use at the Mary Winspear Centre. Hand sanitation products will also be available.

Registration cancellation policy: If an emergency occurs which causes a person who has registered for the Convention to cancel her/his attendance, a full refund of Registration Fee and Meals will be made if notification is received by the Convention Chairman or Registrar at least two weeks before the Convention begins, otherwise, the cost of meals selected on the person's Registration Form may be subtracted and the remaining Registration Fee refunded.

Late arrival at the 75th Annual International Lily Show & Symposium: If notification is received at least two weeks in advance of the Convention, then the cost of meals missed may be refunded. Similarly, if when registering (at least two weeks ahead of the Convention) the attendee informs the Registrar that his/her arrival will be late, then the cost of meals missed will be subtracted from the total balance due for the convention.

Early departure from the 75th Annual International Lily Show & Symposium: Requests for partial refund of registration fees due to early departure will be considered on a case-by-case basis. A refund for meals not taken because of an emergency early departure will only be granted when there is a Convention surplus, since the Convention is obligated to pay the cost of these meals to the hotel. The cost of meals missed may also be subtracted from the total balance due for the convention, if a guest notifies us that he/she will need to leave early, and that notification is given seven or more days before the start of the Convention.

Supplementary Meals for spouses, children, or friends not registered for the convention: We welcome the spouse, friends, and/or children of our registered guests. Often these family members will not register and will not attend program activities. You can purchase meals for your family members or friends, even though they are not registered for the Convention. Please refer to the Meals sections of the registration form for costs of supplemental meals.



Support the
75th Annual International
Lily Show & Symposium!

The mission of the North American Lily Society, is to promote interest in the genus Lilium, scientific research in its breeding and culture; standardization of its varietal names; the dissemination of information concerning the above and promotion of such other purposes as may advance the culture of lilies.

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